Friday, April 10, 2015


Who is Jesus and why should you put your trust in Him?  

The God of the universe brought forth a Son through the virgin Mary and the Holy Spirit.  Yet He was there from the beginning, in creation and in the design of the universe and in our design. 

He is the beginning and the end, the Alpha and the Omega. He is the Savior, the Christ, the Messiah.  He is the one who listens, who hears, who reigns, who watches, who waits, and who wants us to come to Him.  He is the light of the world, the truth, and the life. 

He is the bridge to the Father, our high priest, our advocate, our hope.  Jesus is the way, the door, the path, the gate, the maker of heaven and earth.  He is the only one, the true one, the one who answers.  He has all power, all insight,  all knowledge and He is the all in all.  He was our sacrifice, the lamb that was slain, our scapegoat!  He is our fortress and our deliverer.  He reigns in heaven, He is on His throne, He holds the scepter and He is King. He is King of Kings and Lord of Lords.  He is the only true God, righteous and pure, holy and blameless, sinless and white as snow. 

He is worthy of all honor and glory and praise.  He is our counselor, our friend and our brother.  He is the only way to find lasting peace and hope for your soul.

You can find him in His word, the bible.  Seek Him today, start in the book of John.

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