Wednesday, March 18, 2015


Come to Me, Child

You know child, I am willing to make you clean.  Not from the dirt of this world, not from the residue that is left after a hard day; but I am willing to make you clean on the inside.  I know there are things in your life that make you sad; things that are unforgiven or hurt that you have not dealt with.

Take the time now child to bring these to Me.  I already know what they are; you have no secrets from Me.  Sometimes you hide your hurts from others and even from yourself but they remain and they eat at you.  Remember in days of old when I healed the man with leprosy.  Your unforgiven hurts and secrets are like that leprosy.  They keep you from being the person I want you to be.  They keep you from being free.  I want you to bring them out into the open so I can make them right.  I am willing…are you?

Oh Lord, to you I am transparent, there is nothing going on in my heart that is secret to you.  Many times I don't want to deal with what is bothering me, I hide from myself.  It is painful to deal with things I cannot control or others who have been hurtful and I don't know why.  Help me be transparent in my relationship with you for you are willing to make me clean and free.  I am willing, amen.

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Saved By Grace

Dear One,

There is no doubt that the mystery of godliness is great:  I appeared in a body, was vindicated by the Spirit, was seen by angels, was preached among the nations, was believed on in the world, and then taken up in glory.   Believe in Me…don't be deceived by evil spirits and things taught by demons.  Such teachings come through hypocritical liars, whose consciences have been seared as with a hot iron.

Examine what you subject yourself too.  Some of these people create all kinds of rules to follow and then claim their actions are rewarded with salvation and heavenly benefits.  In a sense they are trying again to work their way to heaven.  Don't subject yourself to these false truths…know different.  I can save you by grace and by grace alone.  God’s grace is a free gift based on faith in Christ…not because of works so that no one can boast.   Enjoy this great grace and share it with those who have not heard!  Rejoice for you are receiving the truth and the truth will set you free!

1 Timothy 3:16-4:7
Ephesians 2:8-9

Your grace is sufficient for me.  I am so glad I don't have to work my way to heaven; you have done all the work and you gave me salvation freely as a gift.  I praise you for your sacrifice and blessings.  Keep me on the right track Lord; protect me from your enemies. Amen.

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